Sunday, August 7, 2011
Most day i wake up thanking God that i live in Hawaii. I've always wanted to live here and i cant believe i'm blessed enough to live exactly where i want to be. 

yesterday was one of those days. I woke up next to my amazing family. Jovi in my arms and Jesse by my side. I'm sure Rosie was somewhere on my feet. 

We got dressed and ran a few errands before heading out to the beach. I've been trying to go to the beach later in the day when the sun isn't as strong. So far jovi has never gotten sun burnt and i want to keep it that way.  I cover her in the most sun block and we hide in this big tent most of the time to protect us from the sun. 

she is so stinking cute. i cant handle it. Having a baby is the best entertainment. she is at such a perfect age. always exploring and finding new things to play with. I'm a huge fan of baby bathing suites and this is one of my favorites on her. it had tiny little elephants all over it. super cute. I love how the straps always fall off her shoulders. I scored it from Goodwill out here but the tag says baby gap.

 I felt like this was the first beach trip with her where she really understood that the beach was for fun times. she was all giggles the whole time. she loved trying to grab the water and trying to figure out where it went when she closed her hand. every time a little wave would come in she would crack up! adorable. I think we are going to have a beach bum on our hands. 



The Bennetts said...

She is too precious! We lived on Oahu for about a year while my dad was there working for 2 yrs. And many of the happiest memories I have from my childhood are there. Enjoy every second of this sweet time with your family. Cliche as it is, it truly goes soo fast! I'm pregnant with #4 and my oldest is 6 and I can't grasp how they've gotten so big so quickly. Insanity. So, out of the rabbit hole.... enjoy that precious blessing every second. Much love.

amy jean said...

awe thanks so much. I am quickly earning how fast the time goes. she is already so big. I keep telling her she doesn't need to grow up so fast. :)

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amy jean
happily married, two amazing children Jovi and Nixon. living my dream life in Hawaii
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