Sunday, June 27, 2010
So i wanted to start this blog to document this amazing part of my life and also as away for friends and family to stay up to date with the progress of my pregnancy.

Let me start a few months ago. Jesse and I were married Nov 13 09. shortly after that I starting getting extremely tried and sick. My body was basically acting like it was pregnant, but after seeing the Dr. and some home test I was totally not pregnant. Instead I was told that I had a very high level of a hormone called Prolactin which is caused by a sm tumor in your brain. The result of this is your body acting like it's pregnant.

So we started doing many tests. I felt like i was seeing a doctor every week for a few months. I was so tried and sick of feeling sick. At a few of my visits my doc hinted that i would not be able to conceive. Jesse wanting nothing more in life then to be a father was crushed. We still had alot more testing to go but it wasn't looking to good.

June 6th I had my MRI to find out how big the tumor was and to determine if it was operate-able. When we met with the Dr we were amazed to hear that they found nothing. She told me that it doesnt mean it's not there just that it could be really small. She then told use that we would have an extremely hard time becoming pregnant if at all.

Well that was June 6th little did we know, I was already wks into my pregnancy at that point!!! haha We had no idea!!

We werent trying to have a baby yet, but when your told it's not possible and you find out your pregnant it's a huge blessing.

so I hope you enjoy me documenting my life, experiences and progress through our little Miracle.


Eva said...

wow! that's amazing :)

BKaz said...

You can't fight fate! It was just meant to be!

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amy jean
happily married, two amazing children Jovi and Nixon. living my dream life in Hawaii
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